I slowly palm your shaft and start moving my hand back and forth, lift your cock up and tenderly massage your balls with the other hand. My tongue climbs up your shaft vibrating as it does so, which makes your hand cup into a tightly squeezed fist in my hair. My tongue reaches the tip, circling it until I hear you moan again. Then I distance myself from you, looking up. You look down, your eyes hazy. I open my mouth wide. Leeching my eyes onto you as I move my head forward again. You watch my lips as one would a hypnotist’s swinging charm, intently, as I slowly impale myself onto you. You touch the back of my throat, my lips pressed around you tightly. I take you out, covered in stringy, viscous saliva, stretching from my lips to your cock like threads of a wet cobweb. ‘You can’t imagine what a beautiful sight this is,’ are your only words before I swallow you again. I lick you passionately, your groans getting louder…. Flash sale on my VIP! $9 for new subscribers and $4 for returning! Get access to hundreds of high quality, full length videos instantly ????. Deactivating this account! Premium account will remain! Sofia Simens. vamos ver quem goza primeiro?????????????????????????. Happy Easter! . The 1 minutes 36 seconds long onlyfans leaked porn sextape is of Sofia Simens.