Mmmmm just the tip of your BBC will do…. Hello followers! . Guys I’m trying really hard to not be a dick here but when you blatantly ignore my welcome message that says I don’t meat yet still try to ask me out your being disrespectful…. Idk what answer you think your gonna get… I get asked almost daily and my patience is running thin with the answer of “hey this is my job. No, I don’t wanna go on a date. Please respect the fact that my welcome message says I don’t meat.” Please don’t assume you’re gonna be the one lucky person I break that rule for it’s there for a reason. Then you get butthurt when I tell you no… that’s manipulative. Please stop… It’s exhausting having to repeat this boundary daily…. Gettin pizza guy naked Ellie The Empress. Would you like to give me a goodnight kis? Or maybe more? ????????. The 25 seconds long of leaked sextape is of Ellie The Empress.